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Tax Law Resources - Australia

This guide contains a variety of free anc commercial Australian Rax resources of use to those studying tax based units at MIT

Australian Tax rulings and cases

The Australian Tax Office and Austlii provide databases of Taxation Rulings, cased and determinations on various aspects of Tax.
These can be used to search for details of Tax payments, in order to determine what may be enforceable.

Taxation Cases
Cases - Table of Contents - Australian Taxation Office Database


Public Rulings
Table of Contents for Public Rulings - Australian Taxation Office Database
Public Rulings are binding advice from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). They express the ATO's interpretation of the laws that they are the authorities for. There are many types of Public Rulings. They are published by the ATO for the public to see, and form precedents.

Taxation Determinations
Taxation Determinations - Austlii Database
Taxation Determinations are a form of Public Ruling. They are a short form of taxation ruling. 

Austlii Cases 
Austlii holds cases covering Australian Federal and state jurisdictions - search the database for Tax related keywords.


Jade Bar Net
Jade Bar net is a collection of general cases for Australia Federal and state. Search the website for Tax related keywords.


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