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Copyright for Academics at MIT: Youtube at MIT

Copyright for MIT Academics

Youtube at MIT

Youtube Logo by (cc) creative commons 2.0 -

Can Youtube Videos be used in the classroom?

Yes. YouTube videos are a good source of media for Lecturers to play YouTube in the class using the YouTube platform. This is because the uploader has given permission to the Youtube platform to host the media, then the user (in this case the MIT staff) can play the YouTube video in a class, as long as they comply with YouTube’s normal terms of use.

However, if staff do see a video that they think may be non compliant (ie a recent movie perhaps uploaded by an unscrupulous individual, common sense indicating it unlikely they would have have copyright clearance to do so) they should treat it with caution and not use it.

If you have any specific questions about copyright at MIT, please email Bernard Lyons, Copyright Officer


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