Many large academic publishers provide instructor resources (graphics, slides, question banks, etc.) for Unit Coordinators who prescibe their books. These resources are provided to each Unit Coordinator individiually, as long as certain conditions can be met. These conditions vary from publisher to publisher, so please check the publisher websites or with the sales representatives; a short list of popular publishers is below.
MIT library has eBook titles available in in the collection from several providers
Prescribing ebooks over print can provide quick and equitable access to prescibed resources for all.
The Library can also investigate purchase or subscription to to stand-alone ebooks via one of our other vendors including EBSCO, Proquest, WileyOnline, and Cambridge Core.
Check for Open access resources listed in the Open Access Libguide
O'Reilly: Tips for searching and using eBooks
O'Reilly has a "playlist" feature that allows users to combine various O'Reilly content (ebooks, audio books, videos) into curated lists that can be shared with other O'Reilly users. O'Reilly Playlists can been used to create custom reading lists that replace prescibed texts.
Flex Reading List platform allows users to search for unit reading lists and view availability for prescribed or recommended readings in the MIT Library colledtion. Reading lists can also link directly to open access materials and copyright compliant copies of articles Note: please do not upload readings directly to Moodle.
Please contact the library if you would like to add items to the current reading list.
Flex is a platform to manage readings and other course material. Flex is integrated into Moodle, and each unit has its own Readings tool in the Moodle shell. Flex can link to any open content on the internet, and can be used to host scanned copies of chapters or articles, in line with Australian Copyright Law. For more information about Flex and how to use it, see the Copright Agency Flex website.
Contact the library to discuss textbook availablity in print or eBook formats. It is recommended that prescibed resources be no more than four years old, and preferably published within the last 12 months.
Please check the library catalogue to see what is currently avaialble
You can submit requests for print or electronic books purchases that are related to one of the units or teaching areas at MIT. Please first check the Library Catalogue as your request may already be held in the Library collection or be on order.
Email the Library with the details of your request. Please include as many details as possible
Note: recommendations will be considered against MIT Library Policy and Collection Development Guidelines and submitted to management for approval.