What is the nature of the research?
Is it a case study? is it data based research? Is it suitable for a conference paper? Is it industry specific, practical or theory based? Are their particular sources relevant for the field?
Is the volume of material big enough for a book? Is it a novel area of new research that could attract a publisher? re there other books out there already that cover the same topic? Is it worth the time and expense of making a book? Should you go with a traditonal publisher or self publish?
Conference Paper
This format for publishing may be suitable if the research can be conveyed to an audience suitable for the time allowed for the presentation, and if there is a suitable conference happening in time with the release. A conference presentation may be done in conjunction with a journal article release.
Book chapter
May be similiar in format to an article, in terms of length. One of the main issues here will be finding a book likely to be published at the time of the release of the article.
Podcast format may be good, if the podcast series is of note and well regarded, and has a suitable audience. The challenge here would be to
Magazine/Trade Journal
This would be material that is less scientific/theoretical in nature and more practical. It could be a case study, application of theory to practice,
Journals are the most common place for publication. The criteria for inclusion for top quality academic journals is high, as they are selected by a committee of peers.