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Research Publishing for Academics: Scimago - Journal and Country ranking

A Libguide from MIT to assist its academics with Research Publishing


What is Scimago? Scimago is an only tool/platform that will tell you about the legitimacy of the journals, providing information on their legitimacy. If you suspect you are dealing with a predatory journal Scimago will alert you to this, but will also establish the different ratings within the range of different legitimate journals. It is an essiental tool for journal ranking.

For a researcher who is choosing which publication to publish in, it provides essential information so you can make that decision.
You can do a search by subject, and then look at the rankings for the journal titles.
Access Scimago here

How to find top journals in the field
Q1 – quartiles 1 (top tier) publish in q1 of the year – these metrics feed into rankings for journals
Number of documents
How many articles in the journal are cited by others


You can then search for the titlel, it gives you the pertinent information about the journal title.

You can see in all these areas it’s a Q1 journal – so the sort of thing anyone wants to publish in.

The h-index is calculated by counting the number of publications for which an author has been cited by other authors at least that same number of times. Scimago will provide graphs indicating the relevant metrics allowing you to make an assessment of the different publications and compare their features/performance, so you can make your choice.

You can also see the similarity between the journals using this features - enabling you to see other options to your original publishing choice.


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